Trey Tosh Band, recording their new album, LIVE at Wolfsound Audio Engineering. Song on their slideshow is "Heavy Rain" from their record "Aiming at the Sun." Check Trey Tosh out at:
So, first of all, we went up to Yosemite because the internet said it was going to be 63 degrees and sunny but when we got up there, there was still snow all over the ground! SOOOOO, needless to say, it was cold and pretty sure none of us had snow boots. Numb toes and all, I think the view was still gorgeous and Yosemite was still a good choice......unfortunately the pizza and beer place I bragged to them about was closed for the season :( Sorry guys!
Amy Noble was my assistant for the day and it was great to have someone else there to help me out.....I think we all had a pretty darn good time, especially when we all bought a bag of chips for the two of us and ate the whole thing.
Nikki and Daniel were totally good sports too, because I wouldn't let the shoot end until I was "satisfied" with the pictures we got, so we trucked it downtown (from Yosemite) to take pictures on the top of a parking garage and THEN went to Samba in Tower so I could snap in their faces even longer! So, thanks you guys for being so fun and being so easy to photograph.....because really, you both were total pieces of cake to work with.
Also, we pretty surely trampled onto sacred plants in Yosemite (accidently), had bats flying at our faces in the parking garage and had some crazies giving me the eye as I ran around downtown waving my flashlight in Nikki and Daniel's faces! There are always a few interesting incidents to every shoot....if there aren't, it's not as fun!
Maybe it was the beers and the flask???? Hmmmm???? Or maybe it's just because you're fun and a little bit of mountain air brings out the romance in everyone.
Hope you guys enjoy the pictures and the slideshow! Soon, you'll see them all!
#1. Chris was my Jr. High youth group leader/played the drums in worship band/had bleached blonde hair back then (hey, it was cool!). #2. The moment I met Lindsay, I thought "she needs to be my friend." #3. This engagement shoot was (pardon the french) BITCHIN'!!!!!!!'s how it went down...........
First of all, Chris and Lindsay, my husband and I all drove out to Cayucous one beautiful Sunday.
We frolicked on the beach and got soaking wet, we trespassed onto some property on Old Creek Road where I subsequently stepped knee deep into a stream that was made up of water and cow poop (which caused me to smell the rest of the day), we found an entire skeleton of a cow also on this property (it's head was in a different spot than it's body!), we ate lunch and got FREE (and refillable) champagne, Lindsay and I discovered we are both obsessed with chocolate covered gummy bears (so of course, we HAD to go get some right then), Chris and Ben discovered they are both musicians and of course, teachers, we visited Harmony (an old hippie town with a population of 18), and on the way home, Chris got a ticket for speeding (and it was UNJUST!).
Moral of the story, Chris and Lindsay are awesome! Wonderful people separately, and most wonderful together. Ben and I feel like they're our new friends and are so excited to be a part of their wedding day (behind the cameras, of course).
Hope you guys enjoy....I feel so happy about these pictures, and so happy about that day in Cayucous we had, and so happy about your marriage~ Thanks again!
We were JUST talking about how many tickets Chris has gotten in his life......